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virginity pic virginity is the bold protagonist of stuffed.
over the past few days before the start of the comic, she has been having some strange dreams...
leo is a suave and sophisticated member of the feline family.
seemingly ignorant of the fact that he is a lion, and that lions supposedly cannot speak, he considers both himself and everyone around him with an air of mild amusement.
leo pic
neville pic neville is one of the poor sods who works at the lab that virginity and leo raid. a pleb - boredom, nerdiness, and bacterial cutures are what describes him best. virginity and leo bursting his bubble could be the best thing that's ever happened to him (other than that time he was pushed into the girls changing rooms in high school).
ellie, neville's supervisior at the lab, is a nasty biatch. undoubtedly, if you were to accuse her of this, she would forcefully show you the back of her left hand, and then try to convince you that she's simply misunderstood. the thing about this, is that you'd end up believing her because of her self-assured attitude. ellie pic


secretary pic the secretary looks after the administration side of stuffed with unparalelled ease.
she has taken a hiatus from her anger management course in order to look after administration, comic circulation, and appearing in occasional publicity shoots. she is also working in order to earn rent money for her apartment (being too high-brow to appear in a "adult" movie).
outside of the stuffed series of ecomics, not much is known of jewellbong.
never seen, never spoken of, the only person to have contact with mysterious jewellbong seems to be the secretary, and she ain't giving anything up.
jewellbong pic

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stuffed and all associated stuffs © jewellbong 2003-2006. all rights reserved.
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